
Looking for organizers


  • Youngbin Han

In Asia, You can find various community conferences about open source and linux that covers Asia region. Good examples of this are:

  • openSUSE.Asia
  • GNOME.Asia
  • LibreOffice Asia Conference
  • PyCon APAC
  • FOSSASIA Summit
  • and more…

For past a few years, when I was the leader of Ubuntu Korea Community, I attended several conferences overseas to not just meet and learn but also to interact with Ubuntu local communities overseas. Especially, communities located near South Korea region. By attending overseas events, I could interact with people from various open source communities from manu different regions. But, Unfortunately, I could rarely meet people from Ubuntu local communities. Also, I couldn’t find Ubuntu conference or event for Asia region.

After attending events and I came home, I used to think why I can’t find Ubuntu conference for Asia yet while there are already many events for Asia. Since Ubuntu is known as one of the most puopular linux distribution with wide range of its usage, It also has well organized and large scale of community. So I thought, there should be some global events for ubuntu. Of course, Some Ubuntu global conferences already exists.(e.g. Ubucon Europe, Ubucon Latin America, Ubucon@SCALE) But it just not exists for Asia yet.

So, I always wanted to see Ubucon Asia happen or organize the conference. But since organizing international event requires huge venue, event infrastructures(ticket system, WiFi network, broadcasting system, sponsor booth, catering, etc.), expense I never think about organizing the event. Also, Just like other people I’ve been busy with my work, participate operating local communites and some other stuffs.

After COVID-19 pandemic. Like school and works, hosting offline community event also became difficult or nearly impossible. Many events turned into online. There are many limitations with virtual events: Attendees don’t meet in person which means it’s not easy for them to interact and build network of each other. It’s difficult to bring some form of programs are only possible in offline format.

But I thought it’s a good chance to try and organize Ubucon Asia. Since most activities for preparation and actual event happend online, Organizers don’t need to deal with renting a huge venue and bunch of event infras. And attendees can attend easier because they don’t need to spend a lot of money for flights to attend.

So, in order to plan and hold Ubucon Asia, I discussed with the core members of the Ubuntu Korean community. And contacted Ubuntu communities in asia and suggested about organizing the virtual conference together. I also contacted the community I had contacted before, and tried to contact through someone I met at conferences abroad. After many attempts, I could build a team with Ubuntu communities in various regions.

However, There are still many things to solve in order to continue: Some communities didn’t joined because of their poor condition. Some has only 1~3 people of core members which could be not enough for managing local sponsors and speakers. Since it’s first time for Ubucon Asia to be held. Many discussions about the plans are also required: The scale and form of the event, The way of making decisions, and many more.

For these reaseons, We’re still looking for more organizers who will join, plan and host the first Ubucon Asia. If you or your community is from asia region and intersted about open source, linux and ubuntu, consider joining our team. Our goal is to hold the event around 2021 Q3~Q4. Discussions about main topics(sponsorship, calling for papers, calling for volunteers, event program plans, video subtitles, etc.) will begin from upcoming february with periodic meeting happens every other week.

To join Ubucon Asia team as organizer, feel free to contact me via email([email protected]) or telegram(sukso96100) until the end of this month. Make sure to introduce yourself when joining as individual or about your community when a community is joining. Even if it’s not a ubuntu community, If there are anything to do with ubuntu, You can join and organize together.

To learn more details about Ubucon Asia plans, check out document on Ubuntu Wiki

We will look forward to your participation.

Youngbin Han

Ubuntu Korea Community - Advisor

Launchpad GitHub Website

Ubucon Asia 2021

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